Within this specialty, various diseases, conditions, syndrome and injuries affecting the nervous system studied at microscopic and macroscopic levels.
Pediatric neurology relating to other subject networks such as genetics, epidemiology, psychology, neuroanatomy and neurophysiology creates opportunities for better understanding of pateint's symptom and disability.
Nervous system is the most complicated system in our body. It controls and supervises the function of other organs including heart, lungs, intestines, bladder, eyes, ears, etc. In the brain there are millions of nerve cells that communicate with each other through specific connection system called synapses. Their communication is via electrochemical signals. There are both inhibitory and stimulating synapses.
Our vital, cognitive, motor and communicative abilities/functions are regulated and controlled by the nervous system. This system has different characteristics both functionally and structurally:
Central v peripheral
Infratentorial v supratentorial
Autonom v somatic
Motor v sensory
Affarent v efferent
Pyramidal v extrapyramidal
The above mentioned complexity becomes more advanced in children dependent on their growth and development.